The Tsafique words came over the sound system; "Junni acola, soquila, Diosi nulaca laquiranan..." "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy...." (Click the words above to hear Romans 12:1 in Tsafique). Primativo, one of the four Tsachilas believers who showed up for the service, stood up and gave a brief summery in Tsafique of the message Pastor Marco was about to preach in Spanish.
It was a special opportunity as a North American to worship alongside the Tsachila, Spanish, and Quichua cultures in one service. Primativo and Pastor Marco and his family, gave us a warm welcome. After the service we sat together sharing stories of how God was working in our lives. Primativo shared of another church in another Tsachila settlement that was meeting. In both churches there was a growing hunger to learn more about God and His Word. As we were leaving, Primativo called out "Come to my house on your next visit and we can talk some more."
Please continue to pray for our Tsachila outreach through the Quichua. Pastor Marco was open and interested to hear about our ministry to train indigenous pastors. This outreach also serves as a platform to train our Quichua students about missions. Please continue to pray for our vision to train Tsachila leaders to pastor and reach out to the greater 98% of the Tsachila nation who do not know Christ.
"And they sang a new song, saying, 'Worthy art Thou
to take the book, and to break its seals; for Thou wast slain, and didst
purchase for God with Thy blood men from every tribe and tongue and
people and nation.'"(Rev 5:9 NAS)
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